Adventure of the Seas

Inside a floating city

A person who has seen a shipwreck movie, such as “Titanic” or “Poseidon Adventure”, cannot really imagine what a floating city looks like from the inside. I’ve taken some pictures to give you a sense of what the thousands of passengers inside a ship might see. You might ask: where was the opening shot taken? The answer could be the “main street” of a shopping center. But in reality, it is the promenade of a floating city.
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Photo report from a cruise

A journalists are human too. A journalist also needs to have relaxation from time to time. But! The journalist cannot give up his job even during his vacations. Here is an example. I received a promotional letter advertising a ‘Senior Cruise’ trips. I selected the last minute trips. I went on a Caribbean cruise, I wrote an article about my trip, and of course I made a photo report, as well. Read More

The city is empty

Following the January 6 attack on the Capitolium and the January 20 Presidential Inauguration, Washington is empty. Car traffic is rare, there are very few pedestrians, there is no tourist traffic. Museums, public buildings are closed. Many shop windows still have boards with them to defend against possible mass attacks. The photo report was taken in the “deserted” city in the last days of January 2021.

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New York City is empty

New York, a city many says is “never sleep,” is now empty due to the coronavirus epidemic. I was in midtown Manhattan. And I’ve seen something I’ve never seen before.

Grand Central Station / 42nd street

There are no tourists in the city, I have seen very few pedestrians and a few cars only. Even – and here’s the big word – find a parking lot! This is simply unimaginable. This is a must-see, and, of course, for a journalist has a duty to show. Read More